Hello Guys!
Whenever we have a new project or work related to Asterisk PBX we often need to install Asterisk and configure on the server. This is very time taking process and repetitive work for the Administrators. To reduce such valuable time of resources I have created some Asterisk server images, which has native Asterisk installation with almost all required packages and Asterisk Realtime configuration.
1. Docker image for Asterisk Realtime
This image contains Asterisk 18 installed on Ubuntu 20.04 (base OS focal). The Asterisk Realtime configuration also done on this and have added two PJSIP endpoints 101/102 for reference and also have created one queue customer_support. All these resources are in Realtime and loaded from Mysql database.
Following software packages are available in this image.
Software Available:
Mysql 8.0.32-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 (Ubuntu)
Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
Asterisk 18.16.0
PHP 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.17 (cli)
To use this docker image just follow below steps:
Pull the image to your server:
docker pull ankitjayswal/asterisk_realtime
Run/Create container with below command
docker run -it ankitjayswal/asterisk_realtime
Come outside of containerwith Ctrl+D and run below command to see all dockers
docker ps -a
You will see below container with container ID
Now start the container with container id
docker start 101cda848bc5
After starting the container connect the container with below command
docker exec -it 101cda848bc5 /bin/bash
Start Mysql service if not started
service mysql start
Start Asterisk service
Connect to Asterisk CLI
asterisk -rvvvv
Now check PJSIP users with below command
pjsip show endpoints
Check queue with below command.
queue show
Great! We can see above resources are getting loaded from the Asterisk Realtime database.